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供应立式燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉 燃油锅炉 燃气锅炉

供应立式燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉 燃油锅炉 燃气锅炉
供应立式燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉 燃油锅炉 燃气锅炉 供应立式燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉 燃油锅炉 燃气锅炉 供应立式燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉 燃油锅炉 燃气锅炉
  • 品牌:苏正
  • 单价:1.00元/台
  • 起订量:1 台
  • 发货总量:10000 台
  • 最后更新:2014-02-27 11:19
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 供货日期:自买家付款3日之内
  • 所在地:江苏 镇江市
  • 浏览次数:256
  • 我要询价

产品特点介绍 Features of the product introduction
    1. 火管内插扰流子,减缓烟气流速,提高热效率。
    2. 烟气在火管内流动,相对LSS式贯流式锅炉,水容量增大,对负荷适应性强。
    3. 底部设置可开启的清灰口,锅炉顶盖可打开,便于清理灰垢,延长使用寿命。

        Today's small and medium-sized enterprise development rapidly, and for customers to choose heating heating equipment research and development relative lag, according to the characteristics of the customer group, research and development of gold can produce steam and efficient steam boiler.
        Vertical fire tube type structure, the output of two return, burner offset by the high temperature flue gas furnace into a bundle, 1800 turn back into a second, after the quantity of heat is absorbed by the flue discharge into the atmosphere.
        1.The fire tube inserted disturbed flow, reduce flue gas flow rate, increase thermal efficiency
        2.Flue gas flow in the fire tube, relative LSS type tubular boiler, water capacity, strong adaptability to load
        3.Clear grey cast, which can be opened, set at the bottom of the boiler can open the lid, easy to clean up gray scale, prolong service life.
        The boiler is equipped with automatic ignition, flame-out protection, load adjustment, high and low water level control, overtemperature and overpressure protection, password protection, purging and combustion test protection system when the power is cut off. Boiler is a meter, valve choose well-known trademark.

技术参数 Technical information


PS: Our company always improve the products, if something is change in a hurry, we can't show it in our catalogue, thanks for your understanding.

安装示意图 Installation Instruction

镇江金能锅炉有限公司  网站地址:
www.jsjngl.com   电话:0511-85210556  根据公司发展需要,诚征全国各地区及海外地区锅炉代理商或销售商!欢迎广大客户及朋友来厂洽谈!
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