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供应金能 锅炉 生物质锅炉 立式生物质(颗粒)蒸汽锅炉

供应金能 锅炉 生物质锅炉 立式生物质(颗粒)蒸汽锅炉
供应金能 锅炉 生物质锅炉 立式生物质(颗粒)蒸汽锅炉 供应金能 锅炉 生物质锅炉 立式生物质(颗粒)蒸汽锅炉 供应金能 锅炉 生物质锅炉 立式生物质(颗粒)蒸汽锅炉
  • 品牌:苏正
  • 单价:1.00元/台
  • 起订量:1 台
  • 发货总量:10000 台
  • 最后更新:2014-02-27 11:19
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 供货日期:自买家付款3日之内
  • 所在地:江苏 镇江市
  • 浏览次数:324
  • 我要询价

产品特点介绍 Features of the product introduction


        The company to develop biomass pellet boiler is on the basis of the introduction of foreign advanced combustion technology in combination with the practical situation of our country to carry on the design, development, with reasonable structure, large heating area, high thermal efficiency, burning full, no pollution, low emission, etc. Spiral automatic feeding device adopts mechanical motor, to realize mechanization of fuel combustion, and equipped with flue gas waste heat recovery of economizer. Various types of emissions are below the national (GB13271-2001) "boiler air pollutant emission standard" regulation, is the alternative fuel, gas, electricity, coal fired steam boiler of the best products. Biomass boiler operation cost is low, fuel, gas, electric heating boiler can save 40%-60% running cost, the heat energy is a kind of high efficiency and energy saving environmental protection equipment.

用途介绍 The purpose


        Biomass pellet boiler can be widely used in textile and garment industry, food processing, the guesthouse, the hotel service industry, petrochemical industry, schools, hospitals, and pharmaceutical industries, especially suitable for high requirement for environmental protection and energy saving type of users, Ⅱ time standard area.

镇江金能锅炉有限公司  网站地址:www.jsjngl.com   电话:0511-85210556   根据公司发展需要,诚征全国各地区及海外地区锅炉代理商或销售商!欢迎广大客户及朋友来厂洽谈!
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